Although when a lot of us hear Asian we think "slanted" or 'chinky" eyes , Koreans actually like the opposite. They seem to really enjoy the big "doll like" eye look and wear their eyeliner in such a way that it opens up their eyes and make them appear to be bigger. It is also common for Korean women to go through eye surgery to obtain a "double eyelid".
Tanning is a pretty big part of white American culture and other cultures as well. Here "pale" or "pasty" skin is not usually considered extremely attractive but that is quite different in Korea. As a matter of fact, the lighter the skin the better. They will actually avoid any type of tanning. Makeup and skin care products often contain skin lightening or bleaching agents.
So there is a "small" vs "big" thing going here. Koreans equate having a "small face" as being cute. A big face for example big around the jawline and high cheek bones is not considered attractive and you will often see them make "cute" hand gestures in pictures, like the one below, to cover their face size. a "V line" face however is what is considered beautiful and Koreans will often try many methods to achieve this look. In the picture above you can see a young girl who had cosmetic surgery to get a V line and bigger eyes.
So "dress to impress" is very ideal. If your going out in public looking nice is a must. Not to far fetch right? However unlike her where wearing a short mini skirt and high heels is considered "sluty", there its pretty much no big deal. Most think it makes them look taller and tall is good here.
There isn't much to say here except THIN , THIN, AND MORE THIN! Plus size is not a praised thing here. S-line is the best line.
This to me is the most different beauty standard to me if comparing Korea to America. Are beauty standard for our men is extremely different. The difference in the Korean beauty standard for men and women is actually pretty vague. The women wear makeup...so do the men. The women keep their hair done and often change its color but....so do the men. The woman care about fashion....so do the men. Here we would consider the men to be "feminine" but there is just a matter of a good looking appearance.
So the wraps up today's edition of Pretty International ! I enjoy Korean culture and respect the differences. I hope you all take some time to learn more about the culture and others as well! Thats all for today folks so until next time stay you,stay classy, and stay pretty!
Maya Cee
"What Does Your Fragrance Say About You "
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